all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 5PB 37 10 53.44417 -2.969854
L4 5PE 29 13 53.445453 -2.968062
L4 5PH 22 7 53.443586 -2.969962
L4 5PJ 23 7 53.444513 -2.968764
L4 5PP 27 1 53.445556 -2.968667
L4 5PQ 29 9 53.446622 -2.967862
L4 5PR 46 0 53.445309 -2.969188
L4 5PS 48 0 53.445634 -2.970144
L4 5PT 39 0 53.444918 -2.974178
L4 5PU 24 2 53.445863 -2.970525
L4 5PW 15 5 53.445159 -2.967755
L4 5PZ 28 0 53.445076 -2.974724
L4 5QA 46 0 53.445071 -2.969725
L4 5QB 3 0 53.443868 -2.970691
L4 5QD 6 0 53.44419 -2.970924
L4 5QE 36 0 53.444604 -2.970844
L4 5QF 29 0 53.446402 -2.971848
L4 5QG 32 0 53.44475 -2.970516
L4 5QH 8 0 53.444342 -2.971018
L4 5QJ 6 0 53.444682 -2.971162